Over the months, scandals are linked and lists of endocrine disrupters present in everyday cosmetics are getting longer. That’s why many of us are starting to look at natural body care as a not only possible but necessary alternative, as much for the sake of the environment as for our health and that of our little family. You want more arguments? Well, we advise you to continue reading this article. And do not miss the second part of our article: you are given two beauty routines special “natural body care”!

Our 2 beauty routines special: « natural body care»

Roll up your sleeves and wield your magic wand to try to turn your coconut oil into a body cream, it seems a little risky? We understand you, and we even have a solution to offer you with organic products and full of natural assets to take care of your skin every day.

Natural Soaps

Did you know ? Many soaps and industrial shower gels are actually aggressive for the skin! Sometimes a pleasant scent is favored over a real efficiency.

To avoid waking up the crocodile that slumbers in you, our soap with Aloe vera, Shea butter and it also contains organic coconut oil, to gently cleanse your skin without harming and avoid feelings of tightness and discomfort.

Natural Body and Face Lotion

Natural Body and Face Lotion have three major advantages:

It is natural,



better for health.

These benefits can be found with Natural Body and Face Lotion, which you will make from inexpensive basic ingredients, controlling the composition and adapting it to your needs (skin type, age, etc.)

Manufacturer of Natural Skin care products

Sway Enterprises is the producers of quality Natural Lotion and other skin care products with Private labeling services.

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